Books By Michel Conan
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Perspectives on Garden Histories.
ed Michel Conan
Washington, D.C: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1999. Print.
1999 234pg
Schwarzman Building (42nd Street & 5th Avenue) - JFF 99-2752 Main Reading Room USE IN LIBRARY
INTRODUCTION : Michel Conan --
1. Prelude: Landscape studies, 1952-1972 / Elisabeth Blair McDougall --
2. The study of the history of the Italian garden until the First Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium / David R. Coffin --
3. Recent developments and perspectives in the historiography of Italian gardens / Mirka Beneš --
4. Approaches (new and old) to garden history / John Dixon Hunt --
5. History and historiography in the English landscape garden / Michael Leslie --
6. Mughal gardens: the re-emergence of comparative possibilities and the wavering of practical concern / James L. Wescoat Jr. --
7. "Leaping the property line": observations on recent American garden history / Kenneth Helphand --
8. The search for "ecological goodness" among garden historians / Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn
9. From vernacular gardens to a social anthropology of gardening / Michel Conan
10. Longing and belonging in Chinese garden history / Stanislaus Fung.
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Botanical Progress, Horticultural Innovations, and Cultural Changes
(Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture) [Paperback]
ISBN-10: 0884023273 /AMAZON $40
Schwarzman Building (42nd Street & 5th Avenue) - Main Reading Room - JFF 07-860 - USE IN LIBRARY
*** BARD Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture ***
From Roman times to the present, knowledge of plants and their cultivation have exerted a deep impact on cultural changes. This book highlights the religious, artistic, political, and economic consequences of horticultural pursuits. Far from a mere trade, horticulture profoundly affected Jewish and Persian mystical poetry and caused deep changes in Ottoman arts. It contributed to economic and political changes in Judea, Al Andalus, Japan, Yuan China, early modern Mexico, Europe, and the United States. This book explores the roles of peasants, botanists, horticulturists, nurserymen and gentlemen collectors in these developments, and concludes with a reflection on the future of horticulture in the present context of widespread environmental devastation and ecological uncertainty.
Michel Conan (Dumbarton Oaks) and John W. Kress (Smithsonian Institution Department of Botany): A Historical View of Relationships Between Humans and Plants,
Part I: Ancient Linkages between Culture, Botany, and Horticulture
1. Sydney H. Aufr¿re (Universit¿ Paul Val¿ry, Montpellier III) The Vegetable Universe of Ancient Egypt, its Symbiosis and Religious Reinterpretation
2. Maria Subtelny (University of Toronto) Visionary Rose: Metaphorical Application of Horticultural Practice in Persian Culture
3. Alain Touwaide (Smithsonian Institution Department of Botany) Art and Sciences. Private gardens and botany in the early Roman Empire
4. Elliot Wolfson, (New York University) The Rose in Jewish Culture in Medieval Spain
5. Nurhan Atasoy (Istanbul University) Links Between the Ottoman and the Western Worlds on Floriculture and Gardening
6. Susan Toby Evans (The Pennsylvania State University) Precious Beauty: The Aesthetic and Economic Value of Aztec Gardens
Part II: Linkages between Horticultural, and Political Changes
1. Yizhar Hirschfeld (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Perfume and Power from the Ancient Near East to Late Antiquities
2. Mohammed El Fa¿z (Cedimes University, Morocco) Horticultural Changes and Political Upheavals in Middle-Age Andalusia
3. Wybe Kuitert (Kyoto University of Art and Design) Political Change and Cultural Values of Plants: Origins of Cherry Hybridization in Medieval Japan
4. Georges M¿taili¿ (Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris) Grafting as an Agricultural and Cultural Practice in Ancient China
5. Sa¿l Alc¿ntara Onofre (Universidad de Mexico) The Chinampas Before and after the Encounter with Europe
Part III: Horticultural Contributions to Economic and Cultural Changes
1. Mauro Ambrosoli (Universit¿ degli Studi di Udine) The Contribution of Italian Peasants and Gardeners to the Conservation and Propagation of Species Diversity: An Investigation for the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries
3. Michel Conan (Dumbarton Oaks) Reform Utopianism and Horticulture at the End of the 18th Century in France
4. Therese O'Malley (National Gallery of Art, Washington) From Practice to Theory: The Professionalization of Landscape Design in Nineteenth-Century America
6. Daniel Martin Varisco (Hofstra University, New York) Turning over a New Leaf: The Impact of Qat in Yemeni Horticulture
7. Peter del Tredici (Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University) Horticulture in a Changing World
Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:
Ethnobotany -- Congresses.
Human-plant relationships -- Congresses.
Horticulture -- Social aspects -- Congresses.
Botanical gardens -- Social aspects -- Congresses.
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Performance and appropriation : profane rituals in gardens and landscapes
edited by Michel Conan.
Schwarzman Building (42nd Street & 5th Avenue) - Main Reading Room - JFF 07-840 - USE IN LIBRARY
Breaking with the idea that gardens are places of indulgence and escapism, these studies of ritualized practices reveal that gardens in Europe, Asia, the United States, and the Caribbean have in fact made significant contributions to cultural change.
This book demonstrates methods and the striking results of garden reception studies. The first section explores how cultural changes occur, and devotes chapters to public landscapes in the Netherlands, seventeenth-century Parisian gardens, Freemason gardens in Tuscany, nineteenth-century Scottish kitchen gardens, and the public parks of Edo and modern Tokyo. The second part provides striking examples of construction of self in vernacular gardens in Guadeloupe and American Japanese-style gardens in California. Finally, the third section analyzes struggles for political change in gardens of Yuan China and modern Britain.
INTRODUCTION: The Significance of Bodily Engagement with Nature / Michel Conan
PART I: Garden and Landscape Performances: Contributions to Cultural Changes
1. Taking Fresh Air: Walking in Holland in the Early Modern Period, 1650-1800 / Erik de Jong
2. Royal Gardens, Fashionable Promenades, and Public Opinion in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Paris / Michel Conan
3. Stages of Knowledge, Settings for Brotherhood: Gardens and Freemasonry in Tuscany during the First Half of the 19th Century / Alessandro Tosi
4. Meaning and Change in the Walled Kitchen Gardens of Nineteenth-Century Britain / Susan Warren Lanman
5. Tokyo's Modern Parks: Spaces and Practices / Sylvie Brosseau
PART II: Achieving a Social Construction of the Self
1. Caribbean and African-American Landscapes: The Embodiment of the Gardens /Catherine Beno¿t
2. Performing Hybridity: Wedding Rituals at Japanese-Style Gardens in Southern California / Kendall H. Brown
PART III: Struggling for Political Changes
1. Academy Landscapes and the Ritualization of Cultural Memory in China under the Mongols / Linda Walton
2. Naumachia: The Nationalistic Ritual Performed in British Landscape Gardens as a Patriotic Celebration of Naval Supremacy and Empire / Patrick Eyres
3. Rituals of Transgression in Nineteenth-Century Urban Parks / David Lambert
Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:
Gardens -- Symbolic aspects -- Congresses.
Gardens -- Psychological aspects -- Congresses.
Landscape architecture -- Congresses.
Landscape assessment -- Congresses.
Rites and ceremonies -- Congresses.
Public spaces -- Psychological aspects -- Congresses.
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Sacred Gardens and Landscapes: Ritual and Agency
v26, 2002 ISBN 0884023052
Schwarzman Building (42nd Street & 5th Avenue) - Art - JQF 07-1774 - USE IN LIBRARY
Studies of rituals in sacred gardens and landscapes offer tantalizing insights into the significance of gardens and landscapes in the societies of India, ancient Greece, Pre-Columbian Mexico, medieval Japan, post-Renaissance Europe, and America. Sacred gardens and landscapes engaged their visitors into three specific modes of agency: as anterooms spurring encounters with the netherworld; as journeys through mystical lands; and as a means of establishing a sense of locality, metaphorically rooting the dweller's own identity in a well-defined part of the material world. Each section of this book is devoted to one of these forms of agency. Together the essays reveal a profound cultural significance of gardens previously overlooked by studies of garden styles.
Introduction: The Cultural Agency of Gardens and Landscapes / Michel Conan
I. Gardens as Anterooms to the Netherworld
1. The Place of the Sacred Grove (Alsos) in the Mantic Rituals of Greece: The Example of the Alsos of Trophonios at Lebadeia (Boeotia) /Pierre Bonnechere
2. Gardens of Love and Meadows of the Beyond: Ritual Encounters with the Gods and Poetical Performances in Ancient Greece / Claude Calame
3. Religious and Lay Rituals in Japanese Gardens during the Heian Period (784 1185) / Michel Vieillard-Baron
4. The Dance of Time, the Procession of Space at MexicoTenochtitlan's Desert Garden / Mar¿a Elena BernalGarc¿a
5. A Voyage through Mythical Lands Mythic and Sacred Gardens in Medieval Japan: Sacral Mediation in the Rokuonji and Saih¿ji Gardens / P. Richard Stanley-Baker
6. Braj: The Creation of Krishna's Landscape of Power and Pleasure and Its Sixteenth-Century Construction through the Pilgrimage of the Groves / Behula Shah
7. Sacred Texts and Ritual Spaces in the RamLila of Ramnagar/ Sarah Bonnemaison
II. The Production of Locality
1. Ancestral Rituals of Landscape Exploration and Appropriation among Indigenous Communities in Early Colonial Mexico /çngel Jul¿an Garc¿a-Zambrano
2. Africans Discover America: The Ritualization of Gardens, Landscapes, and Seascapes by Suriname Maroons / Richard Price
3. Horse Racing, Hunting, and Praying in the "Shady Walks and Sacred Woods" of Cetinale /G iorgio Galletti
4. Devotional Landscape: Ecology and Orthodoxy in the Work of Marietta Pallis / David Matless and Laura Cameron
Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:
Gardens -- Religious aspects -- Congresses.
Landscape -- Religious aspects -- Congresses.
Rites and ceremonies -- Congresses.
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Gardens and Imagination: Cultural History and Agency (Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture) [Paperback] 2007
278 p. : ill. (some col.), maps (some col.) ; 27 cm.
From mirroring the true reality of God in Sufi Persia to the enjoyment of fictitious identities in Rome or present-day Granada, the ways of imagination in gardens are infinitely varied. This book explores how gardens could be imagined, and also how they could be used to trigger the imagination by very different cultures in Japan, China, Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Italy, Spain, and Israel. This multicultural approach reveals surprising features of the process of imagining a garden: the various aspects of the world that gardens may mirror, the role of cultural changes, and the unsuspected links between garden materiality, practices, and imagination. It reveals how garden imagination is fraught with ambiguities that give a sense of freedom to garden users but may entrap their thoughts within frames specific to each culture.
"This book explores how gardens could be imagined, and also how they could be used in ways that trigger imagination by very different cultures from Japan. China, Russia, the Ottoman Empire. Italy and Israel. This multi-cultural approach reveals surprising features of the process of imagining a garden: the various aspects of the world that gardens may mirror, the role of cultural changes, and the unsuspected links between garden materiality, practices and imagination. More surprisingly it reveals how garden imagination may be fraught with ambiguities that give a sense of freedom to garden users and yet entrap their thoughts within frames specific to each culture. It demonstrates the interlacing of garden reception and creation. And the various chapters offer a whole range of fascinating exchanges between real and fictitious gardens in poems, novels and dramas."--BOOK JACKET.
Introduction. Methods and Perspectives for the Study of Gardens and their Reception / Michel Conan
Ch. 1. The Traces of the Traces: Reflections of the Garden in the Persian Mystical Imagination / Maria Eva Subtelny
Ch. 2. Body and Imagination in Urban Gardens of Song and Yuan / Stephen West
Ch. 3. Sons' Memorial Gardens and the Israeli Cultural Imagination / Tal Alon Mozes
Ch. 4. Gardens - Real and Imagined - in the Social Ecology of Early Modern Ottoman Culture / Walter Andrews
Ch. 5. Landscapes of Ruin and the Imagination in the Antiquarian Gardens of Renaissance Rome / Kathleen Christian
Ch. 6. Perception and Representation of Famous Sites in Japanese Culture: The Significance of Meisho in Landscape and Garden Imagination / Sylvie Brosseau
Ch. 7. The Country Estate and Russian Literary Imagination (1761-1917) / Ekaterina Dmitrieva
Ch. 8. Mirrors and Windows: Fictional Imagination in Later Chinese Garden Culture / Richard Strassberg
Ch. 9. "Mt. Sumeru in a Mustard Seed": Imagery and Polemics in Wang Shizhen's Garden Essays / Yinong Xu
Ch. 10. Dramatizing Garden Imagination in Baroque Spain / Maryrica Ortiz Lottman.
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Gardens and Cultural Change: A Pan-American Perspective
(Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium in Garden History) by Michel Conan and Jeffrey Quilter
(Paperback - Feb 29, 2008)
**** BARD (also Columbia EDU)****
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Gardens contain time, culture, and nature. They are powerful symbolic spaces onto which a society can project its ideals, either to conjure or contrive cultural change, rooting them in the flow of natural processes. Five authors explore the variety of relationships between garden making and cultural change in Argentina, the Caribbean, Mexico, and the United States. They show how gardens express popular cultural invention and attempts at political manipulation, as well as provide places of cultural resistance by subjugated people. Issues of identity and ideology; political coercion and resistance apply equally throughout the continent, inviting a renewed attention to gardens as places where cultural identities are forged and contested.
INTRODUCTION: Gardens and the Construction of Cultures in the Americas / Michel Conan and Jeffrey Quilter
1. Gardens in the African Diaspora: Forging a Creole Identity in the Caribbean and the U. S. / Catherine Benoit
2. An Ideological-Aesthetic Approach to Buenos Aires Public Parks and Plazas / Sonia Berjman
3. Parks and Democracy in a Growing City: Palermo, Buenos Aires / Daniel Schavelzon
4. The Small Parks in New York City and the Civilizing Process of Immigrants at the Turn of the Twentieth Century / Rachel Iannacone.
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* Michel Conan Learning from Middle East Garden Traditions
New Perspectives for Garden Archaeology
* Yizhar Hirschfeld The Rose and the Balsam: The Garden as a Source of Perfume and Medicine
* Yotam Tepper Soil Improvement and Agricultural Pesticides in Antiquity: Examples from Archaeological Research in Israel
* Antonio Almagro An Approach to the Visual Analysis of the Gardens of Al-Andalus
* Expiración García Sánchez and J. Estaban Hernández Bermejo Ornamental Plants in Agricultural and Botanical Treatises from Al-Andalus
The Political Uses of Gardens
* Mohammed El Faïz transl. by Maryrica Ortiz Lottman The Garden Strategy of the Almohad Sultans and Their Successors (1157-1900)
* Mahvash Alemi Princely Safavid Gardens: Stage for Rituals of Imperial Display and Political Legitimacy
* Jean-Do Brignoli The Royal Gardens of Faraha bad and the Fall of Shah Sultan Husayn Revisited
* Ebba Koch My Garden is Hind ustan: The Mughal Padshah’s Realization of a Political Metaphor
* James L. Wescoat Jr. Questions about the Political Significance ofMughal Garden Waterworks
Cultural Receptions of Gardens
* Nathan Atasoy Matrakç! Nasuh and Evliya Çelebi: Perspectives on Ottoman Gardens (1534-1682)
* Abdul Rehman and Shama Anbrine Unity and Diversity of Mughal Garden Experiences
Critical Discussion of Cultural Influences
* B. Deniz Çali? Gardens at the Ka?ithane Commons during the Tulip Period (1718-1730)
* Jennifer Joffee and D. Fairchild Ruggles Rajput Gardens and Landscapes
Exploring the Limits of Garden Traditions
* José Tito Rojo and Manuel Casares Porcel From the Andalusí Garden to the Andalusian Garden; Remnants and Re-Creation
* Benedict Bull Gardens of Afghanistan
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Medieval Gardens, Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium on the History of Landscape Architecture, IX ; edited by Elisabeth B. MacDougall]. Imprint Washington, D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, c1986. (NYPL: Schwarzman (OFFSITE REQUEST call#